Sunday, August 1, 2010

Guess What I'm Training For?

OK, well technically registration is closed and spots in the race are sold out. However, I have it on good authority from a friend who is a road race warrior that it is fairly easy to transfer registration for a big race like this. I am so excited!!! My running this summer has not panned out like I planned and I think part of the reason for that is that I am a competitive person who likes to have something specific to train for. I need more than just "I want to get back in shape" or "I want to start running again". I like having a time and a purpose and a very specific goal. I'm currently trying to get a spot on Team Fisher House, which is a charity that assists families of wounded soldiers. This is something very near and dear to me, as a very dear friend of mine was recently wounded in Afghanistan after stepping on an IED back in June. His mother has been by his side the entire time and I would love nothing more than to run in honor of all our military families. He will be up and around by the day of the race so hopefully he and his mother can attend!

I am SO excited to train for this and hope I am able to obtain a bib. I have found several 10 week training programs, which would be just perfect. I know I can make a million excuses for why I can't run and won't have time, but if my college pal can train for the Boston Marathon while in her 2nd year of law school, I know I can do this. This will be the perfect goal and the perfect event to get my running back on track. I have completed half-marathons before and am so excited to start training and be a part of this race. I'm not really looking forward to the fall in any way, shape, or form so this will certainly give me something to look forward to!

Any blogging friends in the VA/DC area who would like to train with me and try to obtain a spot in this year's Army Ten Miler as well, let me know!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That is amazing! If I was closer (and more ambitious!) I'd sign up to run with you. What a wonderful cause! I can't wait to read more about your training. I love picking up new tips! I can use all the help I can get ; )