For several months now my best teacher pal, Kendra, has invited me to serve as a substitute in her Bunco league. For those that don't know Bunco, it is a "parlor" game that involves absolutely no skill whatsoever (naturally, it is perfect for me). You roll dice and count. That's pretty much all there is to it. If you roll three ones, you get a Bunco and you shout Bunco. If it sounds simple, it's because it is. It's also a lot of fun though. The women in Kendra's Bunco league get together every 3rd Saturday of the month. It's basically like a girl's equivalent to Poker Night. They bring food, drinks (usually lots of wine!) and contribute money every month to a pot so that the winners get prizes. You can get prizes for most Buncos, first Bunco, even biggest loser (which is what I was aspiring for this week)! I filled in at Halloween and Christmas and made out like a bandit - I got wonderful bubble bath (which I used Friday night), shower gel, a picture frame and an MP3 player. Sadly, this go round I was not as lucky. They did all ask me to officially join their Bunco League though, which was quite an honor. The league is basically an excuse for all the women (most of whom are married and have kids) to get out of the house, socialize, eat and drink. I guess it's like a book club, except without all the pretending to read a book.
I was a bit awkward the very first time I went since I didn't know anyone aside from Kendra. I almost stupidly assumed I didn't have much in common with most of the women. As I said, they were all married and everybody had kids. I discovered pretty quickly how silly that was of me. Most of the ladies are in their thirties, but it's just like hanging with my big sister. They are a blast! I honestly feel like I have more in common with them than a lot of girls my age. I am at a point in my life where I am definitely thinking about the future more than I ever have before. I'm not talking marriage and babies or anything, but I do like to think about where my life is going and I enjoy hanging out with people who "have it together" and have a life I could see myself having when I am their age. These women all have careers and families. They are talented crafters and bakers, cooks, teachers, nurses and are awesome mothers. I really enjoy hanging out with them, hearing about their lives and I honestly feel like I can learn a lot from them. I don't think aside from Kendra that I would keep in touch with any of them once I leave, but it is a nice social network to have. Also, I have to mention the fact that the two women who were pregnant back at Halloween both brought their newborns, who were 8 and 10 weeks respectively. I have never been a baby person (no offense to you if you are) who "ooohs" and "aahhs" at every baby they see. I have NEVER been around babies that little before though and they just killed me, especially the little boy in his little Blues Clues onesie! I may or may not have freaked my wonderful boyfriend out a bit when I came home raving about the babies.
Regardless, I am now an official member of the Bunco League, which means every 3rd week of the month I have to make some kind of awesome party dish to serve. I guess, if nothing else, Bunco will make me a better cook. I told them I doubted I would be able to host it in my apartment, as it is pretty limited with space and anyone who is allergic to cats wouldn't be able to attend. Kendra said she could host for me, which would be perfect.
I'm very happy I went yesterday, even though it did put me behind a little bit regarding work. I woke up this morning and was very productive and finished grading my 12th grade current events assignments. They are due every Friday, but usually I get pretty behind getting them back to my students. I start coaching in a little over a week so I am trying not to get bogged down with paperwork and grading. I honestly don't know what to expect from coaching regarding the time commitment. I am looking forward to it, but am not sure I am ready. Whether I am ready or not, I'm about to dive in headfirst! I'm sure there will be many blogs in the future that will very much be a 'learning as I go' approach to coaching. Currently, I don't know what I'm coaching aside from the 400m hurdles, an event I participated in in high school, which is a great way for teams to pick up points in district meets. The problem is recruiting someone who is crazy enough to want to sprint a lap with 15 obstacles to jump over. If I can get any athletes interested it would certainly be fun to do. I know nothing about how to coach them, but that is what the internet is for, I suppose.
I'm off to do some cleaning, laundry and ironing. I have quite a bit more grading to do as all my students just turned in their notebooks and study guide Friday, which require a grade. Interim reports go out on Tuesday, so I need to stay after school Monday and make sure all that is ready. I also need to develop my lesson plans for the week. I know what I want my kids to learn this week, I just have no idea how I am going to get them there. Such is the life of a teacher, I suppose.
My question for you today is: have you ever been a part of a social club or league like Bunco? Why and when did you join?
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